Amazing functionality and incredible benefits that’s what!
It was Adam Grant that said –
“Bragging about yourself violates norms of modesty and politeness – and if you were really competent, your work would speak for itself.”
And that kind of leaves a bad taste in your mouth – especially if you’re thinking about bragging about your products. Because we are anything but unpolite.
But it was Mohammad Ali that said –
It’s not bragging if you can back it up.
And that immediately makes us feel better – because “boy oh boy” can we back it up! And in answer to Grant – our work most certainly speaks for itself!
In fact, we can say with a degree of modesty (actually) that our service offering has revolutionized the way legal software operates. We go above and beyond, surpassing what we have all come to expect from our legal software. Next level kind of stuff. And we are not being biased here.
Eager to discover what you get when you sign up with AJS? We have so many features and benefits that we are unable to contain them in one article, so consider this the first in the series discussing all the features and benefits on offer by AJS. We are extremely excited to share these with you all.
That said, let’s dive straight in…
Everything at your fingertips – literally.
Mobile apps are little icons that you tap to access an application that then talks to your iPhone or Android’s operating system. The operating system then links that specific app to a particular piece of hardware or software on your iPhone or Android phone to initiate the app – like Waze via your GPS.
Making life just that little bit easier….
But the other crucial bit of information here is not how the apps work – not really – because for most of us the actual mechanics are irrelevant. The big take away here is that mobile apps are an essential part of mobile communication and the mobile business revolution. We are an e-commerce society.
Mobile apps are the tools used by many of us when we work from home, or at the mall, in our car or at a meeting, to get things done when on the move.
What is the function? As you may have guessed – the AJS Mobile App.
What is the benefit? As we discussed above – getting things done while on the move. The AJS mobile app allows you to view account enquiries, post fees or notes, capture, and view consultations, manage and create tasks, and authorise payments on the go. You can even view your stats for the day, month, or year.
Colour is one of those things that subliminally denotes meaning to most things. Colour a task red and immediately one assumes that task is overdue, problematic, or urgent. Colour it green and the opposite rings true – one immediately assumes that the task is completed, on track or (at the very least) being managed.
And AJS knows this.
What is the function? With the ability to colour your favourites (by transaction type), you can easily identify how many of those transactions there are by simply having a quick glance at the page. Better still, when viewing an account enquiry, all transactions of that specific type will have the same background colour. With no fancy filtering system involved at all. Just the ability to see through all the “other stuff” and quickly take stock of what you have.
What is the benefit? By setting up and saving different account enquiry views i.e. setting up your “favourites” you will be able to toggle between your preferred filters (like live transactions, receipts or WIP transactions), without having all the other extra information to wade through. Handling your matters is a cinch. Because all the important info is right there in front of you – grouped together according to what your Favourites (or most often used or viewed items) are.
What’s better than seeing your fees right in front of you, in any easy to access page that you can navigate to from any other screen?
What is the function? The fee book page has been replaced by two new options – the Add Fee popup and the View Fees page.
What is the benefit? The Add Fee popup can be accessed from anywhere which means that you do not have to navigate to the fee book page to enter a fee. On the View Fees page you can now see fees for multiple fee books and date ranges. There is a handy graphic view, that you can drill down on, showing fees vs targets.
Saving time and giving you a little bit of a confidence boost at the same time.
What is the function? With our focus on a more visual, navigational, subsystem approach, AJS’s Quick View makes viewing high level information (on any account), at the glance of a pop-up.
AJS’s Quick View has a visible financial balance with various hyperlinks to view details in pop-ups for payments, work in progress (WIP) and a direct link to the investment account. Making access to client information easy and efficient.
What is the benefit? With quick action tabs, all information is literally at your fingertips. You can see statuses at a glance – a green action button for live accounts and an orange action button for archived accounts. With the Know Your Clients (KYC) requirements you can identify statuses according to colour code. For example, coloured as red and you can easily assess that clients or contacts are not compliant. Green is good to go – they are compliant. A colour code of amber and you know that KYC is still a work in progress. And grey to indicate that KYC is not applicable. In addition, icons have been added to the top row to quickly add a fee, task, or diarise in your main view. Never miss a date to serve a notice or file an application again!
View your active tasks linked to an account or view the task history by always having easy access to information. You are also able to view the latest documents drafted or served on a matter by using the hyperlinks provided to open the last ten documents. Viewing the latest action items is also simple with no need to be directed away from the page you are on. With the world as fast paced as it is and answers required at lightning speed, having a more visual space where all information is available as a pop-up or at the click of a button – you are sorted!
Look at you slaying the day and having multiple branches! Your firm is expanding, your name is out there, and people are using your services on a consistent basis.
It’s a good place to be in.
The thing is, it’s often necessary to keep money separate. Keep the branches separate so that you can see how each branch is faring – nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.
What is the function? Separate accounting for each branch.
What is the benefit? If you need to keep accounts and postings for your branches separate, we now have settings to ensure matching branches on users, fee books and accounts when posting fees, doing payment requisitions, and releasing payments.
What is the function? AJS’s User Tasks enables you to see what needs to be done, by whom, and when. It allows for the easy management of your task list by allowing you to create tasks for yourself or assign them to a colleague.
What is the benefit? You can create one task for multiple users (each of them will get the same task on their to-do list). Not only that, but AJS’s User Tasks can be linked to a matter (and therefore have detail relating only to that matter) i.e. arrange for client to sign documents or not linked to a matter (like a general task) i.e. prepare conference presentation. The choice is all yours.
With Task Actions, the user who created the task can complete it themselves, including those tasks assigned to colleagues. They can also edit the tasks as required, allowing for unforeseen changes and urgent work to be done seamlessly. The colleagues to whom tasks are assigned can accept, reject, and complete their tasks. But not edit them. Progress notes are automatically added by the system, in addition to any manual notes made by Users. Thereby enabling everyone to clearly see the progress on any given task. You can search for completed tasks and view all notes. Remembering that if the person who assigned the task does not make their own notes regarding what is happening, the system automatically does it for them. Ensuring each team member remains well and truly up to date on the latest “goings on” in a matter.
Those are all pretty marvellous functions – and benefits – wouldn’t you agree?
At this point, we believe that we have backed up our bragging by showing our wares. Take that Adam Grant!
To find out how to incorporate a new tool into your existing accounting and practice management suite, or how to get started with legal tech, feel free to get in touch with AJS – we have the right combination of systems, resources and business partnerships to assist you with incorporating supportive legal technology into your practice. Effortlessly.
AJS is always here to help you, wherever and whenever possible!
– Written by Alicia Koch on behalf of AJS
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