

Your Firm’s Hidden Advantage Awaits – Get Skilled with AJS Legal Software Training!

AJS Virtual

Select your service, schedule your session and be ready to optimize your law firm.

Fee Earner Fundamentals

The AJS Fee Earner Fundamentals course should be attended by all new AJS users and will cover everything you need to know and do as a user on AJS. 

Bookkeeping Fundamentals

The four sessions will cover the fundamentals of the AJS Bookkeeping module. Each session is two hours long and is held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the middle weeks of the month.

Attendance at all six sessions is required.


1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month

New Matters

1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month

Capture Time & Fees

1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month

Editing Matters & Fees

1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month

Sending Invoices

1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month


1st Week of The Month

4th Week of The Month

System Admin

1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month


1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month


1st Week of The Month

3rd Week of The Month


Need Help? We Are Here.

If you need tailored training solutions or help with a pertinent issue, please contact us directly.
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