HOLLY’S BLOG: I bid you adieu!
Dear Readers,
I write this letter to you with mixed emotions. Excitement and a little sadness.
Why you may ask? Well, I have some news.
A big law firm read one of my Blogs, visited my website and liked what they saw. Something about liking my “brand”. Within a day, they made me an offer I simply could not refuse.
My practice will be joining a big-wig law firm in the next coming months!
No longer will I be a one-person show. It’s a little intimidating when I look at all the faces on their website. The people who will become my co-workers. My colleagues. The people I will spend most of my time with. They all look really friendly…
So, I am trying my utmost to remain calm and remain positive.
There is actually quite a bit to do when you are being bought over.
First and foremost is getting a handle on anxiety. The second is getting to grips with this sense of… loss. Like I’m losing something I have built. With this conflicting emotion, it’s important to remember why I am doing this. It’s not only for the greater good but will also secure my future.
I need to keep focused on that.
Next is ensuring I do a proper list of pros and cons. Like remembering all the things that will stay the same – I will still be doing what I love. The only thing that changes, is the location I practise from.
Here, I need to outline the positives, minimise any uncertainty before it even arises.
The other things to prepare myself for is the fact that there will essentially be a change in leadership. I won’t be my own boss anymore.
However, having already secured promises and commitments by this new big-wig law firm in writing, I’m not too concerned.
It’s just the idea of being my own boss and my thinking around that, that will need adjusting. I will now become part of a leadership team and not the leader. It’s an ego thing more than anything else.
As you can tell, there’s a lot to do.
Thank goodness for AJS! They have been amazing in supporting me with this transition – helping me with reporting on all my matters and ensuring that my practice is seamlessly transitioned into the new law firm. The practicalities around this transition have all been so easy.
Blogging won’t be part of my new job-role anymore. At least not at this stage. So, with that bombshell, I need to bid you – my readers – adieu.
I wish you all the best with your legal careers. May your practise of the law be rewarding; may it be fulfilling and may you be successful in all your endeavours.
Remember, at the end of the day, you are still human. Take a break every now and again and check in with the state of your mental health. It’s important.
With fondest regards,
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