With not a single scalpel in sight….
Have you ever watched a British TV show called 10 Years Younger in 10 days?
A forewarning – it’s a guilty pleasure. It is a show about transforming people from “old, haggard and tired-looking” into younger, more vibrant and vivacious versions of themselves.
Versions of themselves that they remember from their teenage days, their early twenties. And often before middle age set in.
Versions of themselves from the days when they could walk into a room with their heads held high, brimming with confidence. Where they could be the life of the party. The centre of attention.
The very opposite of how they look and feel now.
And these transitions, these remarkable makeovers can all be achieved without the use of a scalpel. Aesthetic medicine has come a long way with lip fillers and Botox being all the rage. It’s no longer whispered about in hush tones and behind closed doors. There is no shame in sight. And rightly so!
We must admit (after watching a couple of the shows) that there have been absolutely amazing transformations – with a bit of Botox here and a little filler there, skillfully injected by the talented Dr. Tapan Patel. The fixing of teeth and whitening of the smile by the very talented hands of Dr. Uchenna Okoye. Hair coloured, cut and quaffed by the charming John Vial and wardrobes given a once over by the famous Gemma Sheppard. The result? “Transformees” clocks are turned back ten years. Literally (they do a public poll and everything).
Leaving them refreshed, revamped, full of confidence and brimming with opportunity and the personality they once lost.
It is uplifting to see how people look at themselves in the mirror with renewed purpose and a truly positive outlook.
And we can all relate.
In one way or another.
Dark circles under the eyes (not enough sleep and stress), wrinkles where you didn’t have any before, and hair not in good condition. A slight beer “boep” where you didn’t have one before.
Modern-day lifestyles really do take it out of you. And it is often noted – with some shock – in your reflection.
This can leave you feeling downtrodden, negative and devoid of confidence. Like an imposter in your own skin. Not ready to take on the world. As you should be…
But if “10 Years Younger in 10 days” has taught us anything it is this – these fleeting feelings of inadequacy can be fixed.
A little makeover is just what the doctor ordered!
A primp here and a quaff there and you will be as good as new.
How fabulous!
And AJS is no exception
While we agree that a software feature does not have the same hang ups as humans do – like wrinkles and beer “boeps” – we do acknowledge that a little makeover is sometimes required.
With AJS having its first product release in 1979, you could say that despite being market leaders in our field, it is no good sitting on our laurels expecting to continue with the status quo and hoping that nothing will change.
There are new players in the legal software market offering fantastical features to lure in new clients.
And that’s fair enough.
You see, in today’s market, you need to not only roll with the punches but you need to be willing to update and improve your product offerings in order to stay relevant.
And we agree that, like with everything, this is necessary.
But a slight improvement is not what we believe our clients deserve.
Our clients deserve products that have been through the entire makeover, complete with Botox, fillers, tooth whitening and their hair perfectly quaffed. Our clients deserve a product that is younger, more vibrant and vivacious. Just like the “transformees” on “10 Years Younger in 10 Days”.
Having said that, we remain determined to still offer the same high-quality products that AJS has always offered. Only now, it will be with a tad more pizazz, a tad more vibrancy and a tad more confidence.
And there’s nothing wrong with that!
Our Quick View Makeover
Looking Hollywood ready, our AJS Quick View Makeover steps into the room.
Smiling brightly, brimming with confidence and exuding vivaciousness – AJS’s Quick View Makeover has not only regained its “youth”. It is even better than it was before.

With a far more visual, almost navigational, subsystem approach as opposed to a simple “quick view”, AJS’s Quick View Makeover makes viewing high level information (on any account), as quick as 1, 2, 3. Or at the glance of a pop-up…
AJS’s Quick View Makeover has more visible financial balances with various hyperlinks to view details in pop-ups for payments, work in progress (WIP) and a direct link to the investment account.
Making access to client information easy and efficient. With quick action tabs, all information is literally at your fingertips. And at the click of a button.
But don’t forget about colour!
Keeping in mind the importance of colour in AJS’s Version 4 products (as discussed in our Colour Your Favourites article), you are again able to see statuses at a glance – a green action button for Live accounts and an orange action button for archived accounts.
With the Know Your Clients (KYC) requirements you are again able to identify status according to colour code. For example, coloured as red and you can easily assess that clients or contacts are not compliant. Green is good to go – they are compliant A Colour code of amber and you know with a quick glance that KYC is still a work in progress. And grey to indicate that KYC is not applicable.
Do you want to know what details you have for a contact? Look at the coloured indicators!
See at a quick glance what information has been captured per contact. For example a blue button means that you have their telephone details, but grey means you don’t. You should probably update that.
A quick and valuable tool to know what you have for each contact. Again with a quick glance….
What else does AJS’s Quick View Makeover offer?
Icons have been added to the top row to quickly add a fee, task or diarise prescription dates in your main view. Never miss a date to serve a notice or file an application again!
Do you want to see your active tasks linked to an account or view the task history? No problem. Done. AJS’s Quick View Makeover allows easy access to this information. And ensures that everyone remains on top of things.
Do you want to see the latest documents drafted or served on a matter? No problem – you can use the hyperlinks provided to open up the last ten documents. An easy way to ensure Summonses have been served. It’s so easy, work is a breeze.
Do you want to see action items but don’t want to be directed away from the page you are on? No problem, action items can now be viewed as pop-ups – without being directed away from your home screen. What a bonus!
With the world as fast paced as it is and answers required at lightning speed, having a more visual space where all information is available as a pop-up or at the click of a button – you are sorted!
Our mission
AJS has made it their mission with their Version 4 update to save you time whilst also ensuring that you always remain on top of everything.
Look at you go!
We realise that adding smaller features – like having pop-ups in a Quick View – may seem small to others. But to us at AJS, we take cognizance of the smaller things. We constantly improve on them and we ensure that they make a big difference and big impact to your business. Because the small things matter. To AJS.
And we know that AJS’s Quick View Makeover will do just that – provide a big impact to your business!
AJS is excited to reveal all our amazing updates (to an already incredible system). Be sure to tune in each week where we will be letting you in on some of our most exciting features.
Stay tuned!
Written by Alicia Koch on behalf of AJS
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